Blog 9

My biggest regret is not working hard enough. The reason why not working hard enough is my biggest regret is that I was often given the help to get better and I did not take it seriously enough to put more effort into it. I had many opportunities to study better and work harder as an athlete, but I didn't drive to do it. Yes, my regret could follow the same, not pattern because there can be times where I do not put enough effort into my sport depending on how I let things affect me. Whether it is how I feel that day or a lack of motivation, it can impact how I perform. Why I regret this is because I could be a way better person and worker being more prepared to tackle bigger challenges and tasks I have faced. I could not change this regret around now because I could have been more successful at this point in time if I worked harder back in my past. I cannot go back into the past and change what I would do, I can only now improve myself for my future. Since I did not work hard enough in my past, it has affected my confidence in how I perform and I have to improve my work ethic to make me try to deal with this regret better. The only thing I can do is work harder now to make my regret impact me less in my future.
