Video Description Blog #5

The video depicts people entering the elevator. It begins with a young lady playing her rap music loudly, and the elderly man plays his older style of music at a high volume. Both show that their taste in music is better than when another person enters the elevator; they turn their music on and listen to it. At once, three people are blasting the volume to their music, and then it foreshadows five people playing their music at the same time, and when the man enters the elevator with his big radio, they all pause their's and listen to his. The author's purpose for writing this video is that everyone listens to so many types of music. Many people like music and we want to express what they like. Music is diverse and people like many different songs. It cannot be played all at the same time because it can be confusing and obnoxious. Until the last man came in the elevator, no one had their music stopped until he started his. We all need to pay attention to each other and not block out what other people like. People in public need to learn to behave appropriately. Until the last man came in, no one cared about the group around them in the elevator. A comparison to this is a group of friends wanting to control the radio and play their music, but the others don't like it and keep changing it. The intended audience for this video is any adult traveling in public. People should be respectful to each other and their interests. You shouldn't judge people on their choices. This video is helpful in explaining how people in public do not get along. Music is just one example. There are arguments, fights, and many more issues that can occur in public that reflect a bad image. From the video, all the conflicting music is like people talking at once and interrupting each other. There is no respect or desire to hear one person out unless something draws their attention. If people want it their way how can they get along with others. This video explains how civilians need to get along and respect one another. Also, the increase in volume can represent that the louder it gets the less control we are of ourselves in public. Some people do not care and like raising the volume they don't control themselves or others in their group and it could lead to something bad. Overall, adults in public need to learn to collaborate and act responsibly. One way this video can teach others about the community is that many people have different interests and no one is going to exactly like what someone else has. Another way this video teaches about community is that you can talk to others if they're being and express how you feel. It is okay to be open but don't turn it into a difficult situation. Being in the community is going about your day and being kind to others. Lastly, people in public should act responsibly and act like adults in public. It is like any other area like work or home. You go about your day and have fun. Community is where we all come together and join our interests in conversations and talk about them.
