
Showing posts from March, 2021

Blog 9

My biggest regret is not working hard enough. The reason why not working hard enough is my biggest regret is that I was often given the help to get better and I did not take it seriously enough to put more effort into it. I had many opportunities to study better and work harder as an athlete, but I didn't drive to do it. Yes, my regret could follow the same, not pattern because there can be times where I do not put enough effort into my sport depending on how I let things affect me. Whether it is how I feel that day or a lack of motivation, it can impact how I perform. Why I regret this is because I could be a way better person and worker being more prepared to tackle bigger challenges and tasks I have faced. I could not change this regret around now because I could have been more successful at this point in time if I worked harder back in my past. I cannot go back into the past and change what I would do, I can only now improve myself for my future. Since I did not work hard enoug...

Blog 7: New Version of 3 Little Pigs

 The mother pig sent out her three little ones to go look for some food. The first little pig got distracted really easily and has been lost before. The second little pig was sluggish but was willing to go look and the third little pig was eager to leave and venture out. Each pig had their own house, the first pig made his out of hay and the second one made his out of wood and branches. The third pig made his home out of bricks. The third pig wanted to make sure he had a strong house to be safe from the weather. That day, the pigs felt the weather change drastically, it was sunny and when they saw it begin to get cloudy quickly, they picked up their food and ran back to their houses. The second and third pig made it out safely and went back to their house. The first pig got lost and he yelled for help. By the time he yelled, he had heard something in the bushes. He called out to see if they were his brothers, but they weren't there. The wolf had appeared and in the bushes tried to ...

Blog #6

There was a time when I was prepared to leave during the cool, crisp night to go hang out with my friends. On my way there, I was excited that we would all drive somewhere and do something. We were either going to eat or go watch a baseball game at a nearby field. No one was saying much in the group chat and I was thinking are they lying? I asked what we were doing, and they said they were going out to eat and they told me they were going to Buffalo Wild Winds, so I drove there. I was shocked when I pulled into the parking lot that there were barely any cars, and I didn't see my friend's red, beat-up car. I was so confused and unhappy at the same time because they might be pranking me now. I tried to be calm and collected on the phone when I call my friend, and he told me they were busy and he and one other friend were at his house. I wasn't happy at all because I drove almost a half hour to learn that we weren't really doing anything and I went to my friend's house...